Also while on Pinterest I discovered recipes for Chia Pudding. Yes, Chia not like Chia Pets but Chia seeds. They are nutrient dense little bundles of goodness when combined with almond milk or the liquid of your choice. In texture they remind me of quinoa, tapioca, and flaxseeds all mixed together. Nutritionally speaking they're over achievers to say the least; they're high fiber, omega 3's and the list goes on. My favorite "pudding" so far is chocolate with almond butter and banana...
Chia Pudding Recipe
3/4 cup chia seeds
2 cups almond milk
Stevia & vanilla extract to taste
Mix the ingredients together, and let them rest, then mix well with a fork every five minutes or so. It will be liquidy at first but the chia seeds will plump up in about 15 mins until the pudding looks similar to tapioca. To add a little decadence to your pudding try stiring in a couple of your favorite things like...Cocoa Powder, fruit, chopped nuts or nut butters, protein powder, chocolate chips (on occasion) or anything you'd like! One of my favorite combinations is below:
Almond and Flax butter
Enjoy, and let me know what you think. What are your favorite mix-ins?
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